четверг, 24 мая 2012 г.

Feriendorf opening on April 29

Feriendorf was opened on April 26. The project should bring more tourists to Obertraun and create more work places for the region.This is the news about its opening ceremonyhttp://www.salzi.at/2012/04/feriendorf-obertraun-mit-350-gastebetten-am-fuse-des-krippenstein-eroffnet/
 and the site of the project : http://www.obertraun.nl/?lang=en

понедельник, 21 мая 2012 г.

Waste sorting in Obertraun

Wastes are sorted into bio-wastes, plastics, paper, and miscellaneous. There are special containers for glass - dark and light. This is good for ecology and it is nice that people think about their present and the future. Waste sorting is desribed here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waste_sorting

 And this is an interesting blog about recycling, where Austria is also involved as a project participant

Flowers in May

It is curious that the progress of spring from mid-March to May is relatively slow, e.g. the schnee roses which one could see in the valley in March can be found on the Katrin mountain in Bad Ischl in May, just appearing from under the snow...and the crocuses. All the other tiny ones and the daffodilles were in the valley at this time of the year.

пятница, 18 мая 2012 г.

Days of apple bloom white silver and steel...

I wonder if there is a single apple tree in these pictures. They all seem to be some other kinds of trees, but anyway...the apple trees were in blossom as well.

четверг, 17 мая 2012 г.

The lions of Bad Ischl

Some of the lions of Bad Ischl. The violet ones are not back to their place yet...
The lions are related to the Lions Club of Bad Ischl

 and this is a lion based in St. Gilgen

The Maypole in Obertraun, April 30

The information about the Maypole tradition with various theories as to its origin is available here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/May_pole
The Maypole is erected in Obertraun on the last day of April.
The Maypole erection process is really fascinating to watch. It is a very simple and effort and time  consuming process taking at least one hour, but the time flies when you watch it.
In addition to being an ancient tradition, this seems to be a good team building event, where the men of the village do the work shoulder to shoulder.